Friday, November 10, 2017

"Grimes Is Not Tune-Yards (Is It?)."

I had a sudden epiphany –– I thought,  "Grimes is not Tune-Yards." The two wymmen had morphed into one tantric metaphysical Sarah Lawrence deluxxxe alchemical chimerical being in the deep dark tundra back of my medulla oblongata.

Face painting workshop –– ukuleles –– the ultra-liberal minstrelsy –– juggling club alumni ––  Bread and Puppet Theater –– New England now that Emerson is gone –– Allen Ginsberg is my stylist –– upper-middle class white dred –– Fort Thunder lite superficial trappings –– RISD meets Sarah Lawrence "uptown". You get the idea.  Sarah fucken Lawrence a go go gone batshit nutfarm.
Like Beck says, "You fill in the blanks."

Whatever dude I got the Tune-Yards album from Los Feliz library strictly for free because I was thinking, still, that it was by Grimes as well / instead. "Tune-Yards, oh cool, I wanted to listen to Grimes."

Remember looking for a cheap copy of Grimes LP in the Village and never finding one. A lost era. Remember seeing it full price in the window of the shop round the corner from Washington Square Park, Bobst Library, too much. Remember that glorious feeling lost gone lost. Near that restaurant that only serves peanut butter. 

Doubling. Double consciousness. I think I had confirmed in the recesses of my skeleton that I didn't like Tune-Yards but I hadn't ever heard the Grimes LP.

Have I heard Grimes?
What if they had a Grimes LP listening party and nobody came?

Like I say they became one divine transcendental androgyne in the alchemy of my reptile brain over a period, say 2013– the present. Today though I was listening to Tune-Yards' album "Nikki-Nack" anyway and I wrote in my patented notebook of "compable tracks" ("according to Kreiter") that tracks two, four, five and seven were worth putting on a compilation. Then I frowned and concentrated for a moment and surveyed the dim crawlspace of my consciousness and realised that I had conflated the two for the past five years and sort of with a mighty scimitar, and like wise King Solomon, I cleft the twain apart. Two similar but separate wymmen stood before me.

Now I know I like Tune-Yards okay, albeit with an amazingly long list of serious reservations (the face painting the ukuleles the folderol minstrelsy the kabuki the juggling club moves) but I dunno for the life of me what I think about Grimes.

The main headline, if you like main headlines, the exclusive revelation, the radical journalistic discovery is that TUNE-YARDS IS NOT GRIMES.

I'd rather be listening to Lavender Diamond.

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